Vision Without Glasses™


June 12, 2011

How To Improve Vision with Laser Surgery

A laser is a device that creates a very special kind of light energy. The light can be of any color and can be invisible to the human eye.  

The excimer  laser makes pulses of invisible ultraviolet light. Each pulse of light removes a microscopically thin layer  from the cornea, changing the curvature of the cornea so lightly. A computer running  specialized  software  determines the exact pattern of pulses needed to remove the right amount of corneal tissue.
To correct nearsightedness, the  curvature  of the cornea must be decreased - the cornea  must be made flatter. Tissue is removed in a disc-shaped pattern, with more tissue removed from the center than the edges. To correct farsightedness, the central portion  of the cornea must be made steeper.  This is accomplished by removing tissue in a doughnut-shaped pattern. To correct astigmatism, the cornea must be made more symmetrical. 

The laser pulse may be applied to the surface of the cornea, in which case the treatment is known as PRK.  Alternatively, the laser treatment may be applied to the deeper  portion of the cornea , under  a thin layer of  tissue; this procedure is known Lasik.

Only a very small amount of tissue is removed, usually less than the width of a hair. Mild focusing problems will require small amounts of tissue removal. Severe focusing errors will require greater amounts of tissue removal. The total treatment usually takes less than thirty seconds of actual laser time.

Are you going to take laser surgery? Take a look at these facts below.

- People who very happy  wearing glasses or contact lenses. They have no need for procedure.

- People under eighteen years old. Their focusing error  is probably still increasing. However, there is no upper  age limit  for laser  vision treatment 

-People whose vision is significantly changing.  Glasses or contact lens prescriptions often continue to change through the teenage years into the early twenties. At least two years should pass without  a significant change . (A significant change is one half diopter  or more.) 

-People who insist upon a perfect correction. A perfect correction is possible but cannot be guaranteed.

-Women who are pregnant or who are breast- feeding. Hormonal changes wiil often cause temporary changes in nearsightedness, farsightedness, or astigmatism 

You should consider this procedure, first of all, if you are not in any of the above categories. Second , you must have  nearsightedness, farsightedness, and astigmatism. You may have presbyopia  but presbyopia can not currently be corrected with laser correction except through a technique known as monovision  . Third, you must want to be the free of your glasses or contact, lenses to the extent that you are willing to invest the time, energy  and money to understand and undergo the procedure. Even then, not everyone who wants to have the procedure will be able to , at least not now 

Did you know how to improve vision can be done without surgery? Click HERE to order.

Related article: How to treat Strabismus